What is WalkMe2?
WalkMe2 is an all new location-based video navigation service that "shows" you the way to a local destination, using optimized video, right on your phone or handheld.
Use WalkMe2 from popular multimedia mobile devices like the iPhone*, or from your desktop or laptop.
You and your friends will always be able to find that party venue, new club, secret bar or cool hangout.
WalkMe2 on your iPhone*
Yes, WalkMe2 runs on your iPhone! We now have a specially designed iPhone site.
Go to www.WalkMe2.com in Safari on your iPhone and you'll automatically be redirected to our custom iPhone site, where you can begin searching and watching WalkMe2 videos right away.
For a preview of the site click here.
WalkMe2 on your T-Mobile G1*
WalkMe2 is great on the new T-Mobile / Google G1 phone too!
You can access this site directly, or for a more compact and efficient viewing experience, try the iPhone version of the site: iphone.walkme2.com.
Make Your Own!
How about making your own WalkMe2 video to show people how to get to the hot places you enjoy?
Watch our demo video here for tips, shoot your video on any suitable camera or video-enabled device, then upload and tag your videos on YouTube and tell us here. Couldn't be easier!
Hot WalkMe2 videos
Browse our most recent uploads.